Client Overview
KAYAK is a leading travel search engine that helps millions of travellers make informed decisions by aggregating information on flights, hotels, rental cars, and vacation packages. It offers tools like KAYAK Trips, Explore, Price Forecast, and an AI-powered app to simplify travel planning.
OpenTable, a sister brand, is a restaurant reservation platform that connects diners with restaurants, allowing users to discover and book tables, read reviews, and view menus for an enhanced dining experience.
KAYAK and OpenTable sought to enhance their employee experience by investing in opportunities for personal and professional development. Their goal was to equip employees with long-term skills while demonstrating a strong commitment to supporting their growth and engagement within the company.
SkillsCamp Solution
We designed and delivered two workshops on Stress Management and Persuasive & Influential Communication, accommodating KAYAK and OpenTabless global workforce across four separate time zones.
The first session focused on the essentials of stress management, covering the costs and biology of stress, stress drivers, and various management strategies. The second session explored elements of influence, modes of persuasion, and communication styles, aiming to help participants communicate more persuasively.
Following each session, participants received a post-work exercise to reinforce their learning and encourage application in their personal and professional lives. Additionally, we provided two manager follow-up guides tailored for those overseeing employees who attended the workshops. These guides offer an overview of the content covered and include discussion prompts to facilitate meaningful post-session debriefs.
- 70% of respondents rated their experience an 8 or higher out of 10.
- 70% of respondents rated their facilitator an 8 or higher out of 10.
- 80% of respondents felt this was a worthy investment for their organization.
- 90% of respondents reported that they could immediately apply the skills learned in the workshop.